Greenbelt Community Church is a special community committed to serving others by following Christ's example to "love your neighbor as yourself." The congregation is welcoming and opening and affirming to people of diverse backgrounds. The motto of the church: “Whoever you are and wherever you are on life’s journey you are welcome here," is not just a slogan, it is our guiding principle. The values of community, service, love, welcoming, and acceptance have been carried on by generations of congregation members, since the church opened in the 1930s. GCC is a pillar in the community and actively engages with other faith communities.
Identity and History
Greenbelt Community Church strives to create a welcoming and nurturing Christian community while reaching out to all. Our church is proud of its long history of engagement with the community, demonstrated by a wide variety of mission activities as well as strong bonds with other faith communities. We put love and fellowship ahead of identity of theological opinion and seek to bring inspiration and comfort to people of all ages and to work together for the betterment of all.
Greenbelt Community Church was the Protestant congregation formed when Greenbelt was established as a New Deal planned community in 1937. The church met in borrowed spaces until the current church building was built and occupied in 1951. Greenbelt Community Church joined the United Church of Christ shortly after its establishment.
Archive edition of the Greenbelt News Review, published by the Greenbelt Cooperative Publishing Association
In 1968, Greenbelt Community Church and St. Hugh’s Catholic Church hosted 700 members of the Poor People Campaign march on their way to Washington, D.C. Over 150 volunteers provided food, medicine, and cots to the marchers. Check out the article in the June 13, 1968 Greenbelt News Review.
In 2013, the church voted to declare itself an Open and Affirming congregation. Greenbelt Community Church has continued to build on the foundation laid by Jesus Christ to build a faithful community and a just world.
GCC also looks to the future, seeking growth and renewal. We are working to revitalize our church, strengthen our bonds in the community, and nurture our youth. This process is ongoing.