The underlining theme of our Agape Meals this spring has been “Amazing Grace”. This past week the story we heard was that of the Samaritan Woman at the Well. Among other things Jesus confronted was attitudes about Jews and Samaritans. It had been a confrontational relationship for generations. Neither group liked, trusted, or wanted to associate with the other. Their animosity centered on how each practiced their faith, a faith that at one point had been the same.
Karen and Rick read an abbreviated dialogue about this well-loved story. Throughout the dialogue the point was made by the author that grace was extended to this woman, no questions asked, no prejudices interfering. Jesus in his words and actions extended grace, God’s unconditional love, to another person.
After the meditation was over and while we were beginning to enjoy our soup, one of our guests got up and asked to be heard. We listened as he told us that he came to these meals this year because he heard about them from Jim and Suze at the Senior Center. He was feeling lonely. “Come join us Wednesday evenings for a meditation, soup and salad and bread, and conversation.” He is Jewish but he came anyway because of hospitality offered. He’s come back every week because of hospitality given. He wanted to tell us that he experienced Grace by being with us for these meals.
Amazing Grace – how sweet the sound. Grace comes to us unexpectantly. Grace sometimes comes to us because someone else extended welcoming hospitality.
Rev. Clara
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