Although it is our tradition to celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Communion primarily at worship on the first Sunday of each month, the Table remains central to our identity. We are people who have been invited to sit with Jesus at a table fellowship and receive from him the blessing of our lives. We are people who become joined with Jesus as the body of Christ in the world through receiving the simple gifts of bread and juice.
As we are gifted, we are to give. We are a community of faith with a story to tell. Our gift to others is to tell the good news of Jesus Christ and God’s love to the world. Within the structure of the local church, we do that in many ways. We sing and the music of the organ, the piano, and our voices are carried outward as songbirds in flight. We pray and the joys and concerns for each other, our community, and our world reach deep into our very being. We teach and proclaim to all ages the stories of our faith and how they instruct us to live as faithful learners (disciples) in our world. We share out of that which we have so that others might thrive. What began at a Table expands outward to the world.
The Bread of Life and the Cup of Blessing nourish us as people of God so that we might serve the world as Christ served us. The story of the last meal before the crucifixion found in the gospel of John tells of Jesus kneeling before each of the disciples and washing and drying their feet. Jesus told them that they should be willing to serve also. One of the ways we in the church serve is through how we provide money and resources to relieve the pain and suffering of the world. The CROP walk that is so much a part of Greenbelt Community Church UCC’s story is not only walking around a lake. It is also fundraising so that money is available to relieve those who face hunger every day. On November 5th we will have a Spaghetti Dinner and a Musical Extravaganza Program. The fundraisers provide fellowship, yes, but they also provide our Board of Missions the money they distribute to local and global charities. What began at a Table expands outward to the world.
Our Stewardship Drive 2022 invites us to share the gifts of the Table.
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